Apache Server Information

Configuration Files, Server Settings, Module List, Active Hooks, Available Providers

Loaded Modules, Server Settings, Startup Hooks, Request Hooks, Other Hooks, Providers

Loaded Modules

core.c, http_core.c, mod_access_compat.c, mod_actions.c, mod_alias.c, mod_allowmethods.c, mod_asis.c, mod_auth_basic.c, mod_auth_digest.c, mod_auth_form.c, mod_authn_anon.c, mod_authn_core.c, mod_authn_dbd.c, mod_authn_dbm.c, mod_authn_file.c, mod_authn_socache.c, mod_authnz_fcgi.c, mod_authnz_ldap.c, mod_authz_core.c, mod_authz_dbd.c, mod_authz_dbm.c, mod_authz_groupfile.c, mod_authz_host.c, mod_authz_owner.c, mod_authz_user.c, mod_autoindex.c, mod_bucketeer.c, mod_buffer.c, mod_cache.c, mod_cache_disk.c, mod_cache_socache.c, mod_case_filter.c, mod_case_filter_in.c, mod_cern_meta.c, mod_cgi.c, mod_cgid.c, mod_charset_lite.c, mod_data.c, mod_dav.c, mod_dav_fs.c, mod_dav_lock.c, mod_dbd.c, mod_deflate.c, mod_dialup.c, mod_dir.c, mod_dumpio.c, mod_echo.c, mod_env.c, mod_example_hooks.c, mod_example_ipc.c, mod_expires.c, mod_ext_filter.c, mod_file_cache.c, mod_filter.c, mod_headers.c, mod_heartbeat.c, mod_heartmonitor.c, mod_ident.c, mod_imagemap.c, mod_include.c, mod_info.c, mod_isapi.c, mod_lbmethod_bybusyness.c, mod_lbmethod_byrequests.c, mod_lbmethod_bytraffic.c, mod_lbmethod_heartbeat.c, mod_log_config.c, mod_log_debug.c, mod_log_forensic.c, mod_logio.c, mod_macro.c, mod_mime.c, mod_mime_magic.c, mod_negotiation.c, mod_optional_fn_export.c, mod_optional_fn_import.c, mod_optional_hook_export.c, mod_optional_hook_import.c, mod_php5.c, mod_proxy.c, mod_proxy_ajp.c, mod_proxy_balancer.c, mod_proxy_connect.c, mod_proxy_express.c, mod_proxy_fcgi.c, mod_proxy_fdpass.c, mod_proxy_ftp.c, mod_proxy_html.c, mod_proxy_http.c, mod_proxy_scgi.c, mod_proxy_wstunnel.c, mod_ratelimit.c, mod_reflector.c, mod_remoteip.c, mod_reqtimeout.c, mod_request.c, mod_rewrite.c, mod_sed.c, mod_session.c, mod_session_cookie.c, mod_session_crypto.c, mod_session_dbd.c, mod_setenvif.c, mod_slotmem_plain.c, mod_slotmem_shm.c, mod_so.c, mod_socache_dbm.c, mod_socache_memcache.c, mod_socache_shmcb.c, mod_speling.c, mod_status.c, mod_substitute.c, mod_suexec.c, mod_unique_id.c, mod_unixd.c, mod_userdir.c, mod_usertrack.c, mod_version.c, mod_vhost_alias.c, mod_watchdog.c, mod_xml2enc.c, prefork.c, util_ldap.c,

Server Settings

Server Version: Apache/2.4.10 (Unix) PHP/5.6.1
Server Built: Oct 2 2014 10:26:39
Server loaded APR Version: 1.7.0
Compiled with APR Version: 1.4.8
Server loaded APU Version: 1.6.1
Compiled with APU Version: 1.5.2
Module Magic Number: 20120211:36
Hostname/port: dypa5k1iv2oi0.cloudfront.net:80
Timeouts: connection: 45    keep-alive: 5
MPM Name: prefork
MPM Information: Max Daemons: 590 Threaded: no Forked: yes
Server Architecture: 64-bit
Server Root: /ltk/sw/httpd
Config File: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Server Built With: -D APR_HAS_SENDFILE -D APR_HAS_MMAP -D APR_HAVE_IPV6 (IPv4-mapped addresses enabled) -D APR_USE_SYSVSEM_SERIALIZE -D SINGLE_LISTEN_UNSERIALIZED_ACCEPT -D APR_HAS_OTHER_CHILD -D AP_HAVE_RELIABLE_PIPED_LOGS -D HTTPD_ROOT="/ltk/sw/httpd" -D SUEXEC_BIN="/ltk/sw/httpd/bin/suexec" -D DEFAULT_PIDLOG="logs/httpd.pid" -D DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD="logs/apache_runtime_status" -D DEFAULT_ERRORLOG="logs/error_log" -D AP_TYPES_CONFIG_FILE="conf/mime.types" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf"

Startup Hooks

   -10 core.c
   -10 mod_log_config.c
   -10 mod_logio.c
   -10 prefork.c
   00 mod_watchdog.c
   00 mod_unixd.c
   10 mod_authn_socache.c
   10 mod_authz_host.c
   10 mod_authz_core.c
   10 mod_authnz_fcgi.c
   10 mod_auth_digest.c
   10 mod_isapi.c
   10 mod_cache_socache.c
   10 mod_dbd.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   10 mod_example_ipc.c
   10 mod_proxy_html.c
   10 util_ldap.c
   10 mod_headers.c
   10 mod_proxy.c
   10 mod_proxy_balancer.c
   10 mod_slotmem_shm.c
   10 mod_slotmem_plain.c
   10 mod_cgid.c
   10 mod_rewrite.c
   10 mod_php5.c
   20 mod_status.c
   30 core.c
Check Configuration:
   00 core.c
   00 mod_info.c
   10 mod_authz_core.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   10 mod_log_config.c
   10 prefork.c
   10 mod_rewrite.c
Test Configuration:
   00 core.c
   00 mod_unixd.c
   10 mod_so.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
Post Configuration:
   -10 core.c
   -10 mod_cache.c
   -10 mod_include.c
   -10 mod_cgi.c
   00 mod_mime_magic.c
   10 core.c
   10 mod_authn_socache.c
   10 mod_authz_host.c
   10 mod_authnz_ldap.c
   10 mod_auth_form.c
   10 mod_auth_digest.c
   10 mod_file_cache.c
   10 mod_cache_socache.c
   10 mod_dbd.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   10 mod_example_ipc.c
   10 mod_ext_filter.c
   10 mod_deflate.c
   10 http_core.c
   10 mod_mime.c
   10 util_ldap.c
   10 mod_headers.c
   10 mod_unique_id.c
   10 mod_proxy.c
   10 mod_proxy_http.c
   10 mod_proxy_balancer.c
   10 mod_heartmonitor.c
   10 mod_lbmethod_heartbeat.c
   10 mod_dav.c
   10 mod_status.c
   10 mod_suexec.c
   10 mod_cgid.c
   10 mod_rewrite.c
   10 mod_php5.c
   20 mod_watchdog.c
   20 mod_proxy_express.c
   20 mod_session_crypto.c
   20 mod_slotmem_shm.c
Open Logs:
   -10 prefork.c
   -10 core.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   10 mod_log_config.c
   10 mod_log_forensic.c
   10 core.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   10 prefork.c
Drop Privileges:
   10 mod_unixd.c
Retrieve Optional Functions:
   10 mod_authn_file.c
   10 mod_authn_dbm.c
   10 mod_authn_dbd.c
   10 mod_authnz_ldap.c
   10 mod_optional_fn_import.c
Child Init:
   -10 core.c
   10 core.c
   10 mod_authn_socache.c
   10 mod_auth_digest.c
   10 mod_cache_socache.c
   10 mod_watchdog.c
   10 mod_dbd.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   10 mod_example_ipc.c
   10 util_ldap.c
   10 mod_log_config.c
   10 mod_unique_id.c
   10 mod_proxy_balancer.c
   10 mod_proxy.c
   10 mod_status.c
   10 mod_rewrite.c
   10 mod_php5.c

Request Hooks

   10 mod_dumpio.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   10 mod_logio.c
   30 core.c
Create Connection:
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   30 core.c
Process Connection:
   10 mod_echo.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   20 mod_reqtimeout.c
   30 http_core.c
Create Request:
   10 core.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   30 http_core.c
Pre-Read Request:
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
Post-Read Request:
   10 mod_unique_id.c
   -10 mod_log_forensic.c
   00 mod_headers.c
   00 mod_remoteip.c
   00 mod_proxy.c
   10 mod_auth_digest.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   10 mod_reqtimeout.c
   10 mod_setenvif.c
Header Parse:
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   10 mod_setenvif.c
HTTP Scheme:
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   30 http_core.c
Default Port:
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   30 http_core.c
Quick Handler:
   00 mod_cache.c
   00 mod_log_debug.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
Translate Name:
   00 mod_log_debug.c
   00 mod_rewrite.c
   00 mod_proxy.c
   00 mod_proxy_express.c
   10 mod_file_cache.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   10 mod_alias.c
   10 mod_userdir.c
   10 mod_vhost_alias.c
   30 core.c
Map to Storage:
   00 mod_log_debug.c
   00 mod_proxy.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   10 http_core.c
   10 http_core.c
   30 core.c
Check Access:
   00 mod_log_debug.c
   20 mod_authz_core.c
Check Access (legacy):
   -10 mod_allowmethods.c
   00 mod_log_debug.c
   10 mod_access_compat.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
Verify User ID:
   00 mod_log_debug.c
   10 mod_authnz_fcgi.c
   10 mod_auth_basic.c
   10 mod_auth_form.c
   10 mod_auth_digest.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   20 mod_authn_core.c
Note Authentication Failure:
   10 mod_auth_basic.c
   10 mod_auth_form.c
   10 mod_auth_digest.c
Verify User Access:
   00 mod_log_debug.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   20 mod_authz_core.c
Check Type:
   00 mod_log_debug.c
   00 mod_negotiation.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   10 mod_mime.c
   10 mod_mime_magic.c
   30 core.c
   -10 core.c
   -10 mod_usertrack.c
   00 mod_log_debug.c
   00 mod_proxy.c
   00 mod_rewrite.c
   10 mod_auth_digest.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   10 mod_charset_lite.c
   10 mod_env.c
   10 mod_cern_meta.c
   10 mod_session.c
   10 mod_dav.c
   10 mod_negotiation.c
   10 mod_alias.c
   20 mod_auth_basic.c
   20 mod_include.c
   20 mod_headers.c
   20 mod_dir.c
   20 mod_speling.c
   20 mod_rewrite.c
Insert Filters:
   00 mod_log_debug.c
   10 core.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   10 mod_case_filter.c
   10 mod_case_filter_in.c
   10 mod_proxy_html.c
   10 mod_filter.c
   10 mod_expires.c
   10 mod_session.c
   20 mod_request.c
   20 mod_headers.c
   30 mod_charset_lite.c
Content Handlers:
   -10 mod_cache.c
   00 mod_log_debug.c
   00 mod_heartmonitor.c
   00 mod_proxy.c
   00 mod_proxy_balancer.c
   10 mod_auth_form.c
   10 mod_auth_form.c
   10 mod_auth_form.c
   10 mod_isapi.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   10 mod_example_ipc.c
   10 mod_reflector.c
   10 util_ldap.c
   10 mod_dav.c
   10 mod_status.c
   10 mod_autoindex.c
   10 mod_asis.c
   10 mod_info.c
   10 mod_cgi.c
   10 mod_cgid.c
   10 mod_negotiation.c
   10 mod_imagemap.c
   10 mod_rewrite.c
   10 mod_php5.c
   20 mod_file_cache.c
   20 mod_actions.c
   29 mod_dialup.c
   30 core.c
Transaction Logging:
   00 mod_log_debug.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   10 mod_reqtimeout.c
   10 mod_log_config.c
   10 mod_logio.c
   10 mod_optional_hook_export.c
   10 mod_optional_fn_import.c
   30 mod_log_forensic.c
Insert Errors:
   10 mod_cache.c
   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   10 mod_expires.c
   10 mod_session.c
   20 mod_headers.c
Generate Log ID:
   10 mod_unique_id.c
   30 core.c

Other Hooks

   10 mod_example_hooks.c
   10 mod_session_dbd.c
Child Status:
   10 core.c
End Generation:
Error Logging:
Query MPM Attributes:
   10 prefork.c
Query MPM Name:
   10 prefork.c
Register Timed Callback:
Extend Expression Parser:
   10 core.c
   30 core.c
Set Management Items:
   10 mod_example_hooks.c


authn (version 0):
authz (version 0):
cache (version 0):
dav (version 0):
dav-lock (version 0):
proxy_fdpass_flusher (version 0):
proxylbmethod (version 0):
slotmem (version 0):
socache (version 0):
watchdog (version child):

Module Name: core.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Pre-Connection, Create Connection, Create Request, Translate Name, Map to Storage, Check Type, Fixups, Insert Filters, Content Handlers, Generate Log ID
Module Directives:
<Directory> - Container for directives affecting resources located in the specified directories
<Location> - Container for directives affecting resources accessed through the specified URL paths
<VirtualHost> - Container to map directives to a particular virtual host, takes one or more host addresses
<Files> - Container for directives affecting files matching specified patterns
<Limit> - Container for authentication directives when accessed using specified HTTP methods
<LimitExcept> - Container for authentication directives to be applied when any HTTP method other than those specified is used to access the resource
<IfModule> - Container for directives based on existence of specified modules
<IfDefine> - Container for directives based on existence of command line defines
<DirectoryMatch> - Container for directives affecting resources located in the specified directories
<LocationMatch> - Container for directives affecting resources accessed through the specified URL paths
<FilesMatch> - Container for directives affecting files matching specified patterns
AddDefaultCharset - The name of the default charset to add to any Content-Type without one or 'Off' to disable
AcceptPathInfo - Set to on or off for PATH_INFO to be accepted by handlers, or default for the per-handler preference
Define - Define a variable, optionally to a value. Same as passing -D to the command line.
UnDefine - Undefine the existence of a variable. Undo a Define.
Error - Generate error message from within configuration
<If> - Container for directives to be conditionally applied
<ElseIf> - Container for directives to be conditionally applied
<Else> - Container for directives to be conditionally applied
AccessFileName - Name(s) of per-directory config files (default: .htaccess)
DocumentRoot - Root directory of the document tree
ErrorDocument - Change responses for HTTP errors
AllowOverride - Controls what groups of directives can be configured by per-directory config files
AllowOverrideList - Controls what individual directives can be configured by per-directory config files
Options - Set a number of attributes for a given directory
DefaultType - the default media type for otherwise untyped files (DEPRECATED)
FileETag - Specify components used to construct a file's ETag
EnableMMAP - Controls whether memory-mapping may be used to read files
EnableSendfile - Controls whether sendfile may be used to transmit files
Protocol - Set the Protocol for httpd to use.
AcceptFilter - Set the Accept Filter to use for a protocol
Port - Port was replaced with Listen in Apache 2.0
HostnameLookups - "on" to enable, "off" to disable reverse DNS lookups, or "double" to enable double-reverse DNS lookups
ServerAdmin - The email address of the server administrator
ServerName - The hostname and port of the server
ServerSignature - En-/disable server signature (on|off|email)
ServerRoot - Common directory of server-related files (logs, confs, etc.)
DefaultRuntimeDir - Common directory for run-time files (shared memory, locks, etc.)
ErrorLog - The filename of the error log
ErrorLogFormat - Format string for the ErrorLog
ServerAlias - A name or names alternately used to access the server
ServerPath - The pathname the server can be reached at
Timeout - Timeout duration (sec)
ContentDigest - whether or not to send a Content-MD5 header with each request
UseCanonicalName - How to work out the ServerName : Port when constructing URLs
UseCanonicalPhysicalPort - Whether to use the physical Port when constructing URLs
Include - Name(s) of the config file(s) to be included; fails if the wildcard does not match at least one file
IncludeOptional - Name or pattern of the config file(s) to be included; ignored if the file does not exist or the pattern does not match any files
LogLevel - Level of verbosity in error logging
NameVirtualHost - A numeric IP address:port, or the name of a host
ServerTokens - Determine tokens displayed in the Server: header - Min(imal), Major, Minor, Prod(uctOnly), OS, or Full
LimitRequestLine - Limit on maximum size of an HTTP request line
LimitRequestFieldsize - Limit on maximum size of an HTTP request header field
LimitRequestFields - Limit (0 = unlimited) on max number of header fields in a request message
LimitRequestBody - Limit (in bytes) on maximum size of request message body
LimitXMLRequestBody - Limit (in bytes) on maximum size of an XML-based request body
Mutex - mutex (or "default") and mechanism
MaxRanges - Maximum number of Ranges in a request before returning the entire resource, or 0 for unlimited
MaxRangeOverlaps - Maximum number of overlaps in Ranges in a request before returning the entire resource, or 0 for unlimited
MaxRangeReversals - Maximum number of reversals in Ranges in a request before returning the entire resource, or 0 for unlimited
RLimitCPU - Soft/hard limits for max CPU usage in seconds
RLimitMEM - Soft/hard limits for max memory usage per process
RLimitNPROC - soft/hard limits for max number of processes per uid
LimitInternalRecursion - maximum recursion depth of internal redirects and subrequests
ForceType - a mime type that overrides other configured type
SetHandler - a handler name that overrides any other configured handler
SetOutputFilter - filter (or ; delimited list of filters) to be run on the request content
SetInputFilter - filter (or ; delimited list of filters) to be run on the request body
AllowEncodedSlashes - Allow URLs containing '/' encoded as '%2F'
ScoreBoardFile - A file for Apache to maintain runtime process management information
ExtendedStatus - "On" to track extended status information, "Off" to disable
SeeRequestTail - For extended status, "On" to see the last 63 chars of the request line, "Off" (default) to see the first 63
PidFile - A file for logging the server process ID
MaxRequestsPerChild - Maximum number of connections a particular child serves before dying. (DEPRECATED, use MaxConnectionsPerChild)
MaxConnectionsPerChild - Maximum number of connections a particular child serves before dying.
CoreDumpDirectory - The location of the directory Apache changes to before dumping core
MaxMemFree - Maximum number of 1k blocks a particular child's allocator may hold.
ThreadStackSize - Size in bytes of stack used by threads handling client connections
TraceEnable - 'on' (default), 'off' or 'extended' to trace request body content
Current Configuration:
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
  15: LimitRequestFieldSize 10240
  16: LimitRequestLine 10240
  17: LimitRequestBody 102400
  18: LimitRequestFields 500
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/common.conf
   8: DocumentRoot "/ltk/sw/httpd/htdocs"
  14: <Directory />
  15:   Options FollowSymLinks
  16:   AllowOverride None
    : </Directory>
  23: <Directory "/ltk/sw/httpd/htdocs">
  36:   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  43:   AllowOverride None
    : </Directory>
  63: ErrorLog logs/1err.log
  65: LogLevel warn
 145: <Directory "/ltk/sw/httpd/cgi-bin">
 146:   AllowOverride None
 147:   Options None
    : </Directory>
 228: <Location /server-status>
 229:   SetHandler server-status
    : </Location>
 238: <Location /server-info>
 239:   SetHandler server-info
    : </Location>
 258: ErrorLog /ltk/sw/httpd/logs/error_log
 260: LogLevel warn
 299: <Directory "/ltk/sw/httpd/cgi-bin">
 300:   AllowOverride None
 301:   Options None
    : </Directory>
 314: EnableMMAP on
 315: EnableSendfile on
 325: Timeout 45
 329: UseCanonicalName Off
 330: AccessFileName .htaccess
 331: ServerTokens prod
 332: ServerSignature off
 333: HostnameLookups Off
 337: ExtendedStatus On
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/server.conf
   2: ServerAdmin admin@lovetoknow.com
   3: ServerName web4.lovetoknow.com
  17: MaxRequestsPerChild 1024000
  21: <VirtualHost *:80>
  22:   ServerName ec2-54-205-59-248.compute-1.amazonaws.com
  23:   ServerAlias
  24:   ServerAlias web4
  25:   ServerAlias web4.lovetoknow.com
  26:   DocumentRoot /ltk/svr
    : </VirtualHost>
  33: <VirtualHost *:80>
  35:   ServerName prod1.lovetoknow.com
  37:   DocumentRoot /ltk/svr
  38:   <Directory /ltk/svr/dl>
  39:     Options +Indexes
    :   </Directory>
  47:   <Directory /ltk/ltk-logs>
  48:     Options +Indexes
    :   </Directory>
    : </VirtualHost>
In file: /ltk/ltk/site/config/httpd.conf
   2: <VirtualHost *:80>
   4:   ServerName admin.lovetoknow.com
   5:   ServerAlias publish.lovetoknow.com love2publish.lovetoknow.com l2p.lovetoknow.com
   9:   DocumentRoot /ltk/ltk/site/web
    : </VirtualHost>
  61: <VirtualHost *:80>
  62:   ServerName lovetoknow.com
  63:   ServerAlias lovetoknowhealth.com lovetoknowpets.com
    : </VirtualHost>
  70: <VirtualHost *:80>
  72:   ServerName www.lovetoknow.com
  73:   ServerAlias *.lovetoknow.com www.lovetoknowhealth.com www.lovetoknowpets.com
  77:   DocumentRoot /ltk/ltk/site/web
 100:   <FilesMatch "^(acerca|ayuda|oportunidades|politica-cookies|politica-editorial|privacidad|relaciones-afiliacion|terminos)\.html">
 101:     SetHandler php5-script
    :   </FilesMatch>
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/ltk.conf
   2:   LimitRequestFieldSize 10240
   3:   LimitRequestLine 10240
   4:   LimitRequestBody 102400
   5:   LimitRequestFields 500
In file: /ltk/ltk/site/config/httpd.conf
 192:   <Location ~ "\.xml">
 193:     ForceType text/xml
    :   </Location>
 195:   <Location ~ "LoveToKnow_RSS">
 196:     ForceType application/xml
    :   </Location>
    : </VirtualHost>
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/sewing.conf
   2: <VirtualHost *:80>
   3:   ServerName sewing.lovetoknow.com
    : </VirtualHost>

Module Name: http_core.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: Process Connection, Create Request, HTTP Scheme, Default Port, Map to Storage
Module Directives:
KeepAliveTimeout - Keep-Alive timeout duration (sec)
MaxKeepAliveRequests - Maximum number of Keep-Alive requests per connection, or 0 for infinite
KeepAlive - Whether persistent connections should be On or Off
Current Configuration:
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/common.conf
 326: KeepAlive On
 327: MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
 328: KeepAliveTimeout 5

Module Name: mod_access_compat.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config
Request Phase Participation: Check Access (legacy)
Module Directives:
order - 'allow,deny', 'deny,allow', or 'mutual-failure'
allow - 'from' followed by hostnames or IP-address wildcards
deny - 'from' followed by hostnames or IP-address wildcards
Satisfy - access policy if both allow and require used ('all' or 'any')
Current Configuration:
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/common.conf
  14: <Directory />
  17:   Order deny,allow
  18:   Allow from all
    : </Directory>
  23: <Directory "/ltk/sw/httpd/htdocs">
  48:   Order allow,deny
  49:   Allow from all
    : </Directory>
  57: <FilesMatch "^\.ht">
  58:   Order allow,deny
  59:   Deny from all
  60:   Satisfy All
    : </FilesMatch>
 145: <Directory "/ltk/sw/httpd/cgi-bin">
 148:   Order allow,deny
 149:   Allow from all
    : </Directory>
 228: <Location /server-status>
 230:   Order deny,allow
 231:   Deny from all
 233:   Allow from localhost
    : </Location>
 238: <Location /server-info>
 240:   Order deny,allow
 242:   Allow from all
    : </Location>
 252: <FilesMatch "^\.ht">
 253:   Order allow,deny
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 299: <Directory "/ltk/sw/httpd/cgi-bin">
 302:   Order allow,deny
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    : </Directory>
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/server.conf
  33: <VirtualHost *:80>
  38:   <Directory /ltk/svr/dl>
  41:     allow from all
    :   </Directory>
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In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/password.conf
  10:   <Location /ltksfFormExtraPlugin/uploadify*.php>
  11:     Satisfy Any
  12:     Allow from all
    :   </Location>
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/server.conf
    : </VirtualHost>
In file: /ltk/ltk/site/config/httpd.conf
   2: <VirtualHost *:80>
  10:   <Directory /ltk/ltk/site/web>
  11:     Allow from All
    :   </Directory>
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  70: <VirtualHost *:80>
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Module Name: mod_actions.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Content Handlers
Module Directives:
Action - a media type followed by a script name
Script - a method followed by a script name
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_alias.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Translate Name, Fixups
Module Directives:
Alias - a fakename and a realname
ScriptAlias - a fakename and a realname
Redirect - an optional status, then document to be redirected and destination URL
AliasMatch - a regular expression and a filename
ScriptAliasMatch - a regular expression and a filename
RedirectMatch - an optional status, then a regular expression and destination URL
RedirectTemp - a document to be redirected, then the destination URL
RedirectPermanent - a document to be redirected, then the destination URL
Current Configuration:
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/common.conf
 133: ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/ltk/sw/httpd/cgi-bin/"
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/server.conf
  33: <VirtualHost *:80>
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In file: /ltk/ltk/site/config/httpd.conf
   2: <VirtualHost *:80>
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In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/redirs-2022.conf
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 128:   redirect permanent /sewing-patterns/how-make-reusable-lunch-bags https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/patterns/how-make-reusable-lunch-bags
 129:   redirect permanent /sewing-patterns/pacifier-holder-sewing-pattern https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/patterns/pacifier-holder-sewing-pattern
 130:   redirect permanent /sewing-patterns/pattern-make-blue-jean-purse https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/patterns/pattern-make-blue-jean-purse
 131:   redirect permanent /sewing-patterns/pattern-make-fleece-slippers https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/patterns/pattern-make-fleece-slippers
 132:   redirect permanent /sewing-patterns/pattern-sew-baby-blanket https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/patterns/pattern-sew-baby-blanket
 133:   redirect permanent /sewing-patterns/pattern-sew-laptop-case https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/patterns/pattern-sew-laptop-case
 134:   redirect permanent /sewing-patterns/pattern-sew-placemats https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/patterns/pattern-sew-placemats
 135:   redirect permanent /sewing-patterns/patterns-sewing-stuffed-toys https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/patterns/patterns-sewing-stuffed-toys
 136:   redirect permanent /sewing-patterns/scrap-sewing-projects https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/patterns/scrap-sewing-projects
 137:   redirect permanent /sewing-patterns/sewing-pattern-purse-organizer https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/patterns/sewing-pattern-purse-organizer
 138:   redirect permanent /sewing-patterns/sewing-pillow-covers https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/patterns/sewing-pillow-covers
 139:   redirect permanent /sewing-patterns/tea-cozy-pattern-sew https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/patterns/tea-cozy-pattern-sew
 140:   redirect permanent /sewing-projects/diy-baby-shopping-cart-cover https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/projects/diy-baby-shopping-cart-cover
 141:   redirect permanent /sewing-projects/easy-sewing-projects-kids https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/projects/easy-sewing-projects-kids
 142:   redirect permanent /sewing-projects/how-make-quilt-hanging-sleeve https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/projects/how-make-quilt-hanging-sleeve
 143:   redirect permanent /sewing-projects/how-make-shirt-quilt https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/projects/how-make-shirt-quilt
 144:   redirect permanent /sewing-projects/how-make-tab-top-curtains https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/projects/how-make-tab-top-curtains
 145:   redirect permanent /sewing-projects/how-to-book-cover https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/projects/how-to-book-cover
 146:   redirect permanent /sewing-projects/how-to-easy-pajama-pants https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/projects/how-to-easy-pajama-pants
 147:   redirect permanent /sewing-projects/how-to-minky-baby-blanket https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/projects/how-to-minky-baby-blanket
 148:   redirect permanent /sewing-projects/how-to-ring-bearer-pillow https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/projects/how-to-ring-bearer-pillow
 149:   redirect permanent /sewing-projects/how-to-roman-shades https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/projects/how-to-roman-shades
 150:   redirect permanent /sewing-projects/how-to-simple-fabric-headbands https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/projects/how-to-simple-fabric-headbands
 151:   redirect permanent /sewing-projects/how-to-skirt-from-old-pair-jeans https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/projects/how-to-skirt-from-old-pair-jeans
 152:   redirect permanent /sewing-projects/how-use-appliques-decorate-clothing https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/projects/how-use-appliques-decorate-clothing
 153:   redirect permanent /sewing-projects/sew-your-own-heating-pads https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/projects/sew-your-own-heating-pads
 154:   redirect permanent /sewing-projects/where-find-sew-labels https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing/projects/where-find-sew-labels
 155:   Redirect permanent / https://crafts.lovetoknow.com/sewing
    : </VirtualHost>

Module Name: mod_allowmethods.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Check Access (legacy)
Module Directives:
AllowMethods - only allow specific methods
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_asis.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: Content Handlers
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_auth_basic.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Verify User ID, Note Authentication Failure, Fixups
Module Directives:
AuthBasicProvider - specify the auth providers for a directory or location
AuthBasicAuthoritative - Set to 'Off' to allow access control to be passed along to lower modules if the UserID is not known to this module
AuthBasicFake - Fake basic authentication using the given expressions for username and password, 'off' to disable. Password defaults to 'password' if missing.
AuthBasicUseDigestAlgorithm - Set to 'MD5' to use the auth provider's authentication check for digest auth, using a hash of 'user:realm:pass'
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_auth_digest.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config
Request Phase Participation: Post-Read Request, Verify User ID, Note Authentication Failure, Fixups
Module Directives:
AuthName - The authentication realm (e.g. "Members Only")
AuthDigestProvider - specify the auth providers for a directory or location
AuthDigestQop - A list of quality-of-protection options
AuthDigestNonceLifetime - Maximum lifetime of the server nonce (seconds)
AuthDigestNonceFormat - The format to use when generating the server nonce
AuthDigestNcCheck - Whether or not to check the nonce-count sent by the client
AuthDigestAlgorithm - The algorithm used for the hash calculation
AuthDigestDomain - A list of URI's which belong to the same protection space as the current URI
AuthDigestShmemSize - The amount of shared memory to allocate for keeping track of clients
Current Configuration:
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/server.conf
  33: <VirtualHost *:80>
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/password.conf
   2:   <Location />
   4:     AuthName "Restricted Access"
    :   </Location>
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/server.conf
    : </VirtualHost>

Module Name: mod_auth_form.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Verify User ID, Note Authentication Failure, Content Handlers
Module Directives:
AuthFormProvider - specify the auth providers for a directory or location
AuthFormUsername - The field of the login form carrying the username
AuthFormPassword - The field of the login form carrying the password
AuthFormLocation - The field of the login form carrying the URL to redirect on successful login.
AuthFormMethod - The field of the login form carrying the original request method.
AuthFormMimetype - The field of the login form carrying the original request mimetype.
AuthFormBody - The field of the login form carrying the urlencoded original request body.
AuthFormSize - Maximum size of body parsed by the form parser
AuthFormLoginRequiredLocation - If set, redirect the browser to this URL rather than return 401 Not Authorized.
AuthFormLoginSuccessLocation - If set, redirect the browser to this URL when a login processed by the login handler is successful.
AuthFormLogoutLocation - The URL of the logout successful page. An attempt to access an URL handled by the handler form-logout-handler will result in an redirect to this page after logout.
AuthFormSitePassphrase - If set, use this passphrase to determine whether the user should be authenticated. Bypasses the user authentication check on every website hit, and is useful for high traffic sites.
AuthFormAuthoritative - Set to 'Off' to allow access control to be passed along to lower modules if the UserID is not known to this module
AuthFormFakeBasicAuth - Set to 'On' to pass through authentication to the rest of the server as a basic authentication header.
AuthFormDisableNoStore - Set to 'on' to stop the sending of a Cache-Control no-store header with the login screen. This allows the browser to cache the credentials, but at the risk of it being possible for the login form to be resubmitted and revealed to the backend server through XSS. Use at own risk.
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_authn_anon.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
Anonymous - a space-separated list of user IDs
Anonymous_MustGiveEmail - Limited to 'on' or 'off'
Anonymous_NoUserId - Limited to 'on' or 'off'
Anonymous_VerifyEmail - Limited to 'on' or 'off'
Anonymous_LogEmail - Limited to 'on' or 'off'
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_authn_core.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Verify User ID
Module Directives:
AuthType - an HTTP authorization type (e.g., "Basic")
AuthName - the authentication realm (e.g. "Members Only")
<AuthnProviderAlias> - container for grouping an authentication provider's directives under a provider alias
Current Configuration:
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/server.conf
  33: <VirtualHost *:80>
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/password.conf
   2:   <Location />
   3:     AuthType Basic
   4:     AuthName "Restricted Access"
    :   </Location>
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/server.conf
    : </VirtualHost>

Module Name: mod_authn_dbd.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
AuthDBDUserPWQuery - Query used to fetch password for user
AuthDBDUserRealmQuery - Query used to fetch password for user+realm
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_authn_dbm.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
AuthDBMUserFile - dbm database file containing user IDs and passwords
AuthDBMType - what type of DBM file the user file is
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_authn_file.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
AuthUserFile - text file containing user IDs and passwords
Current Configuration:
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/server.conf
  33: <VirtualHost *:80>
  47:   <Directory /ltk/ltk-logs>
  55:     AuthUserFile conf/.htpasswd-logs
    :   </Directory>
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/password.conf
   2:   <Location />
   5:     AuthUserFile conf/.htpasswd
    :   </Location>
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/server.conf
    : </VirtualHost>

Module Name: mod_authn_socache.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
AuthnCacheSOCache - socache provider for authn cache
AuthnCacheEnable - enable socache configuration in htaccess even if not enabled anywhere else
AuthnCacheProvideFor - Determine what authn providers to cache for
AuthnCacheTimeout - Timeout (secs) for cached credentials
AuthnCacheContext - Context for authn cache
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_authnz_fcgi.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Verify User ID
Module Directives:
AuthnzFcgiDefineProvider - Define a FastCGI authn and/or authz provider
AuthnzFcgiCheckAuthnProvider - Enable/disable a FastCGI authorizer to handle check_authn phase
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_authnz_ldap.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
AuthLDAPURL - URL to define LDAP connection. This should be an RFC 2255 compliant URL of the form ldap://host[:port]/basedn[?attrib[?scope[?filter]]]. <ul> <li>Host is the name of the LDAP server. Use a space separated list of hosts to specify redundant servers. <li>Port is optional, and specifies the port to connect to. <li>basedn specifies the base DN to start searches from <li>Attrib specifies what attribute to search for in the directory. If not provided, it defaults to <b>uid</b>. <li>Scope is the scope of the search, and can be either <b>sub</b> or <b>one</b>. If not provided, the default is <b>sub</b>. <li>Filter is a filter to use in the search. If not provided, defaults to <b>(objectClass=*)</b>. </ul> Searches are performed using the attribute and the filter combined. For example, assume that the LDAP URL is <b>ldap://ldap.airius.com/ou=People, o=Airius?uid?sub?(posixid=*)</b>. Searches will be done using the filter <b>(&((posixid=*))(uid=<i>username</i>))</b>, where <i>username</i> is the user name passed by the HTTP client. The search will be a subtree search on the branch <b>ou=People, o=Airius</b>.
AuthLDAPBindDN - DN to use to bind to LDAP server. If not provided, will do an anonymous bind.
AuthLDAPBindPassword - Password to use to bind to LDAP server. If not provided, will do an anonymous bind.
AuthLDAPBindAuthoritative - Set to 'on' to return failures when user-specific bind fails - defaults to on.
AuthLDAPRemoteUserIsDN - Set to 'on' to set the REMOTE_USER environment variable to be the full DN of the remote user. By default, this is set to off, meaning that the REMOTE_USER variable will contain whatever value the remote user sent.
AuthLDAPRemoteUserAttribute - Override the user supplied username and place the contents of this attribute in the REMOTE_USER environment variable.
AuthLDAPCompareDNOnServer - Set to 'on' to force auth_ldap to do DN compares (for the "require dn" directive) using the server, and set it 'off' to do the compares locally (at the expense of possible false matches). See the documentation for a complete description of this option.
AuthLDAPSubGroupAttribute - Attribute labels used to define sub-group (or nested group) membership in groups - defaults to member and uniqueMember
AuthLDAPSubGroupClass - LDAP objectClass values used to identify sub-group instances - defaults to groupOfNames and groupOfUniqueNames
AuthLDAPMaxSubGroupDepth - Maximum subgroup nesting depth to be evaluated - defaults to 10 (top-level group = 0)
AuthLDAPGroupAttribute - A list of attribute labels used to identify the user members of groups - defaults to member and uniquemember
AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN - If set to 'on', auth_ldap uses the DN that is retrieved from the server forsubsequent group comparisons. If set to 'off', auth_ldap uses the stringprovided by the client directly. Defaults to 'on'.
AuthLDAPDereferenceAliases - Determines how aliases are handled during a search. Can be one of thevalues "never", "searching", "finding", or "always". Defaults to always.
AuthLDAPCharsetConfig - Character set conversion configuration file. If omitted, character setconversion is disabled.
AuthLDAPAuthorizePrefix - The prefix to add to environment variables set during successful authorization, default 'AUTHORIZE_'
AuthLDAPInitialBindAsUser - Set to 'on' to perform the initial DN lookup with the basic auth credentials instead of anonymous or hard-coded credentials
AuthLDAPInitialBindPattern - The regex and substitution to determine a username that can bind based on an HTTP basic auth username
AuthLDAPSearchAsUser - Set to 'on' to perform authorization-based searches with the users credentials, when this module has also performed authentication. Does not affect nested groups lookup.
AuthLDAPCompareAsUser - Set to 'on' to perform authorization-based compares with the users credentials, when this module has also performed authentication. Does not affect nested groups lookups.
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_authz_core.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config
Request Phase Participation: Check Access, Verify User Access
Module Directives:
<AuthzProviderAlias> - container for grouping an authorization provider's directives under a provider alias
Require - specifies authorization directives which one must pass (or not) for a request to suceeed
<RequireAll> - container for grouping authorization directives of which none must fail and at least one must pass for a request to succeed
<RequireAny> - container for grouping authorization directives of which one must pass for a request to succeed
<RequireNone> - container for grouping authorization directives of which none must pass for a request to succeed
AuthMerging - controls how a <Directory>, <Location>, or similar directive's authorization directives are combined with those of its predecessor
AuthzSendForbiddenOnFailure - Controls if an authorization failure should result in a '403 FORBIDDEN' response instead of the HTTP-conforming '401 UNAUTHORIZED'
Current Configuration:
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/server.conf
  33: <VirtualHost *:80>
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/password.conf
   2:   <Location />
   6:     Require valid-user
    :   </Location>
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/server.conf
    : </VirtualHost>

Module Name: mod_authz_dbd.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
AuthzDBDLoginToReferer - Whether to redirect to referer on successful login
AuthzDBDQuery - SQL query for DBD Authz or login
AuthzDBDRedirectQuery - SQL query to get per-user redirect URL after login
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_authz_dbm.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
AuthDBMGroupFile - database file containing group names and member user IDs
AuthzDBMType - what type of DBM file the group file is
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_authz_groupfile.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
AuthGroupFile - text file containing group names and member user IDs
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_authz_host.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_authz_owner.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_authz_user.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_autoindex.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Content Handlers
Module Directives:
AddIcon - an icon URL followed by one or more filenames
AddIconByType - an icon URL followed by one or more MIME types
AddIconByEncoding - an icon URL followed by one or more content encodings
AddAlt - alternate descriptive text followed by one or more filenames
AddAltByType - alternate descriptive text followed by one or more MIME types
AddAltByEncoding - alternate descriptive text followed by one or more content encodings
IndexOptions - one or more index options [+|-][]
IndexOrderDefault - {Ascending,Descending} {Name,Size,Description,Date}
IndexIgnore - one or more file extensions
IndexIgnoreReset - Reset the inherited list of IndexIgnore filenames
AddDescription - Descriptive text followed by one or more filenames
HeaderName - a filename
ReadmeName - a filename
FancyIndexing - The FancyIndexing directive is no longer supported. Use IndexOptions FancyIndexing.
DefaultIcon - an icon URL
IndexStyleSheet - URL to style sheet
IndexHeadInsert - String to insert in HTML HEAD section
Current Configuration:
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/server.conf
  33: <VirtualHost *:80>
  38:   <Directory /ltk/svr/dl>
  40:     IndexOptions FancyIndexing
    :   </Directory>
  47:   <Directory /ltk/ltk-logs>
  49:     IndexOptions FancyIndexing
    :   </Directory>
    : </VirtualHost>

Module Name: mod_bucketeer.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_buffer.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
BufferSize - Maximum size of the buffer used by the buffer filter
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_cache.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Quick Handler, Content Handlers, Insert Errors
Module Directives:
CacheEnable - A cache type and partial URL prefix below which caching is enabled
CacheDisable - A partial URL prefix below which caching is disabled
CacheMaxExpire - The maximum time in seconds to cache a document
CacheMinExpire - The minimum time in seconds to cache a document
CacheDefaultExpire - The default time in seconds to cache a document
CacheQuickHandler - Run the cache in the quick handler, default on
CacheIgnoreNoLastMod - Ignore Responses where there is no Last Modified Header
CacheIgnoreCacheControl - Ignore requests from the client for uncached content
CacheStoreExpired - Ignore expiration dates when populating cache, resulting in an If-Modified-Since request to the backend on retrieval
CacheStorePrivate - Ignore 'Cache-Control: private' and store private content
CacheStoreNoStore - Ignore 'Cache-Control: no-store' and store sensitive content
CacheIgnoreHeaders - A space separated list of headers that should not be stored by the cache
CacheIgnoreQueryString - Ignore query-string when caching
CacheIgnoreURLSessionIdentifiers - A space separated list of session identifiers that should be ignored for creating the key of the cached entity.
CacheLastModifiedFactor - The factor used to estimate Expires date from LastModified date
CacheLock - Enable or disable the thundering herd lock.
CacheLockPath - The thundering herd lock path. Defaults to the '/mod_cache-lock' directory in the system temp directory.
CacheLockMaxAge - Maximum age of any thundering herd lock.
CacheHeader - Add a X-Cache header to responses. Default is off.
CacheDetailHeader - Add a X-Cache-Detail header to responses. Default is off.
CacheKeyBaseURL - Override the base URL of reverse proxied cache keys.
CacheStaleOnError - Serve stale content on 5xx errors if present. Defaults to on.
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_cache_disk.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
CacheRoot - The directory to store cache files
CacheDirLevels - The number of levels of subdirectories in the cache
CacheDirLength - The number of characters in subdirectory names
CacheMinFileSize - The minimum file size to cache a document
CacheMaxFileSize - The maximum file size to cache a document
CacheReadSize - The maximum quantity of data to attempt to read and cache in one go
CacheReadTime - The maximum time taken to attempt to read and cache in go
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_cache_socache.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
CacheSocache - The shared object cache to store cache files
CacheSocacheMaxTime - The maximum cache expiry age to cache a document in seconds
CacheSocacheMinTime - The minimum cache expiry age to cache a document in seconds
CacheSocacheMaxSize - The maximum cache entry size (headers and body) to cache a document
CacheSocacheReadSize - The maximum quantity of data to attempt to read and cache in one go
CacheSocacheReadTime - The maximum time taken to attempt to read and cache in go
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_case_filter.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config
Request Phase Participation: Insert Filters
Module Directives:
CaseFilter - Run a case filter on this host
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_case_filter_in.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config
Request Phase Participation: Insert Filters
Module Directives:
CaseFilterIn - Run an input case filter on this host
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_cern_meta.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Fixups
Module Directives:
MetaFiles - Limited to 'on' or 'off'
MetaDir - the name of the directory containing meta files
MetaSuffix - the filename suffix for meta files
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_cgi.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Content Handlers
Module Directives:
ScriptLog - the name of a log for script debugging info
ScriptLogLength - the maximum length (in bytes) of the script debug log
ScriptLogBuffer - the maximum size (in bytes) to record of a POST request
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_cgid.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Content Handlers
Module Directives:
ScriptLog - the name of a log for script debugging info
ScriptLogLength - the maximum length (in bytes) of the script debug log
ScriptLogBuffer - the maximum size (in bytes) to record of a POST request
ScriptSock - the name of the socket to use for communication with the cgi daemon.
CGIDScriptTimeout - The amount of time to wait between successful reads from the CGI script, in seconds.
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_charset_lite.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Fixups, Insert Filters
Module Directives:
CharsetSourceEnc - source (html,cgi,ssi) file charset
CharsetDefault - name of default charset
CharsetOptions - valid options: ImplicitAdd, NoImplicitAdd, TranslateAllMimeTypes, NoTranslateAllMimeTypes
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_data.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_dav.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Fixups, Content Handlers
Module Directives:
DAV - specify the DAV provider for a directory or location
DAVMinTimeout - specify minimum allowed timeout
DAVDepthInfinity - allow Depth infinity PROPFIND requests
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_dav_fs.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
DAVLockDB - specify a lock database
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_dav_lock.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
DAVGenericLockDB - specify a lock database
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_dbd.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
DBDriver - SQL Driver
DBDParams - SQL Driver Params
DBDPersist - Use persistent connection/pool
DBDPrepareSQL - SQL statement to prepare (or nothing, to override statement inherited from main server) and label
DBDInitSQL - SQL statement to be executed after connection is created
DBDMin - Minimum number of connections
DBDKeep - Maximum number of sustained connections
DBDMax - Maximum number of connections
DBDExptime - Keepalive time for idle connections
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_deflate.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Create Server Config
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
DeflateFilterNote - Set a note to report on compression ratio
DeflateWindowSize - Set the Deflate window size (1-15)
DeflateBufferSize - Set the Deflate Buffer Size
DeflateMemLevel - Set the Deflate Memory Level (1-9)
DeflateCompressionLevel - Set the Deflate Compression Level (1-9)
DeflateInflateLimitRequestBody - Set a limit on size of inflated input
DeflateInflateRatioLimit - Set the inflate ratio limit above which inflation is aborted (default: 200)
DeflateInflateRatioBurst - Set the maximum number of following inflate ratios above limit (default: 3)
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_dialup.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config
Request Phase Participation: Content Handlers
Module Directives:
ModemStandard - Modem Standard to.. simulate. Must be one of: 'V.21', 'V.26bis', 'V.32', 'V.34', or 'V.92'
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_dir.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Fixups
Module Directives:
FallbackResource - Set a default handler
DirectoryIndex - a list of file names
DirectorySlash - On or Off
DirectoryCheckHandler - On or Off
DirectoryIndexRedirect - On, Off, or a 3xx status code.
Current Configuration:
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/common.conf
  54: DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
 249: DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
 367: DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
In file: /ltk/ltk/site/config/httpd.conf
   2: <VirtualHost *:80>
   7:   DirectoryIndex index.php
    : </VirtualHost>
  70: <VirtualHost *:80>
  75:   DirectoryIndex index.php
    : </VirtualHost>

Module Name: mod_dumpio.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config
Request Phase Participation: Pre-Connection
Module Directives:
DumpIOInput - Enable I/O Dump on Input Data
DumpIOOutput - Enable I/O Dump on Output Data
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_echo.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config
Request Phase Participation: Process Connection
Module Directives:
ProtocolEcho - Run an echo server on this host
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_env.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Fixups
Module Directives:
PassEnv - a list of environment variables to pass to CGI.
SetEnv - an environment variable name and optional value to pass to CGI.
UnsetEnv - a list of variables to remove from the CGI environment.
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_example_hooks.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Pre-Connection, Create Connection, Process Connection, Create Request, Pre-Read Request, Post-Read Request, Header Parse, HTTP Scheme, Default Port, Quick Handler, Translate Name, Map to Storage, Check Access (legacy), Verify User ID, Verify User Access, Check Type, Fixups, Insert Filters, Content Handlers, Transaction Logging, Insert Errors
Module Directives:
Example - Example directive - no arguments
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_example_ipc.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: Content Handlers
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_expires.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Insert Filters, Insert Errors
Module Directives:
ExpiresActive - Limited to 'on' or 'off'
ExpiresByType - a MIME type followed by an expiry date code
ExpiresDefault - an expiry date code
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_ext_filter.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
ExtFilterOptions - valid options: LogStderr, NoLogStderr
ExtFilterDefine - Define an external filter
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_file_cache.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config
Request Phase Participation: Translate Name, Content Handlers
Module Directives:
cachefile - A space separated list of files to add to the file handle cache at config time
mmapfile - A space separated list of files to mmap at config time
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_filter.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Insert Filters
Module Directives:
FilterDeclare - filter-name [filter-type]
FilterProvider - filter-name provider-name match-expression
FilterChain - list of filter names with optional [+-=!@]
FilterTrace - filter-name debug-level
AddOutputFilterByType - output filter name followed by one or more content-types
FilterProtocol - filter-name [provider-name] protocol-args
Current Configuration:
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/common.conf
 381: AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/css text/xml
 383: AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript application/javascript text/javascript text/x-js text/x-javascript
 390: AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/css text/xml
 392: AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript application/javascript text/javascript text/x-js text/x-javascript
 398: AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css text/x-component application/x-javascript application/javascript text/javascript text/x-js text/html text/richtext image/svg+xml text/plain text/xsd text/xsl text/xml image/x-icon application/json

Module Name: mod_headers.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Post-Read Request, Fixups, Insert Filters, Insert Errors
Module Directives:
Header - an optional condition, an action, header and value followed by optional env clause
RequestHeader - an action, header and value followed by optional env clause
Current Configuration:
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/common.conf
 358: Header append Vary Host
 360: Header set X-Frame-Options "DENY"
 397: Header append Vary User-Agent env=!dont-vary
 403: RequestHeader unset Range
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/server.conf
   4: Header add X-LTK-Server "ltk-web4"
In file: /ltk/ltk/site/config/httpd.conf
   2: <VirtualHost *:80>
  17:   Header set X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge
    : </VirtualHost>
  70: <VirtualHost *:80>
 105:   Header set X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge,chrome=1
 109:   Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin %{AccessControlAllowOrigin}e env=AccessControlAllowOrigin
 110:   Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "X-Requested-With, Content-Type" env=AccessControlAllowOrigin
 111:   Header merge Vary Origin env=AccessControlAllowOrigin
 154:   <Directory /ltk/ltk-www>
 157:     Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
    :   </Directory>
    : </VirtualHost>

Module Name: mod_heartbeat.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
HeartbeatAddress - Address to send heartbeat requests
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_heartmonitor.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config
Request Phase Participation: Content Handlers
Module Directives:
HeartbeatListen - Address to listen for heartbeat requests
HeartbeatStorage - Path to store heartbeat data.
HeartbeatMaxServers - Max number of servers when using slotmem (instead file) to store heartbeat data.
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_ident.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
IdentityCheck - Enable identd (RFC 1413) user lookups - SLOW
IdentityCheckTimeout - Identity check (RFC 1413) timeout duration (sec)
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_imagemap.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Content Handlers
Module Directives:
ImapMenu - the type of menu generated: none, formatted, semiformatted, unformatted
ImapDefault - the action taken if no match: error, nocontent, referer, menu, URL
ImapBase - the base for all URL's: map, referer, URL (or start of)
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_include.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config
Request Phase Participation: Fixups
Module Directives:
XBitHack - Off, On, or Full
SSIErrorMsg - a string
SSITimeFormat - a strftime(3) formatted string
SSIStartTag - SSI Start String Tag
SSIEndTag - SSI End String Tag
SSIUndefinedEcho - String to be displayed if an echoed variable is undefined
SSILegacyExprParser - Whether to use the legacy expression parser compatible with <= 2.2.x. Limited to 'on' or 'off'
SSILastModified - Whether to set the last modified header or respect an existing header. Limited to 'on' or 'off'
SSIEtag - Whether to allow the generation of ETags within the server. Existing ETags will be preserved. Limited to 'on' or 'off'
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_info.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Content Handlers
Module Directives:
AddModuleInfo - a module name and additional information on that module
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_isapi.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Content Handlers
Module Directives:
ISAPIReadAheadBuffer - Maximum client request body to initially pass to the ISAPI handler (default: 49152)
ISAPILogNotSupported - Log requests not supported by the ISAPI server on or off (default: off)
ISAPIAppendLogToErrors - Send all Append Log requests to the error log on or off (default: off)
ISAPIAppendLogToQuery - Append Log requests are concatinated to the query args on or off (default: on)
ISAPIFakeAsync - Fake Asynchronous support for isapi callbacks on or off [Experimental] (default: off)
ISAPICacheFile - Cache the specified ISAPI extension in-process
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_lbmethod_bybusyness.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_lbmethod_byrequests.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_lbmethod_bytraffic.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_lbmethod_heartbeat.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
HeartbeatStorage - Path to read heartbeat data.
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_log_config.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Transaction Logging
Module Directives:
CustomLog - a file name, a custom log format string or format name, and an optional "env=" or "expr=" clause (see docs)
TransferLog - the filename of the access log
LogFormat - a log format string (see docs) and an optional format name
BufferedLogs - Enable Buffered Logging (experimental)
Current Configuration:
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/common.conf
  76: LogFormat "%h \"%{X-Forwarded-For}i\" %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" %D %U %f \"%{User-Agent}i\" " LTKcombined
  80: CustomLog /2/logs/stats.log "%q" env=logstats
  83: LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
  87: LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %I %O" combinedio
  97: CustomLog logs/ltk.log LTKcombined
 269: LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
 270: LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
 274: LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %I %O" combinedio

Module Name: mod_log_debug.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Quick Handler, Translate Name, Map to Storage, Check Access, Check Access (legacy), Verify User ID, Verify User Access, Check Type, Fixups, Insert Filters, Content Handlers, Transaction Logging
Module Directives:
LogMessage - Log a debug message to the error log if this config block is used for a request
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_log_forensic.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Post-Read Request, Transaction Logging
Module Directives:
ForensicLog - the filename of the forensic log
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_logio.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: Pre-Connection, Transaction Logging
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_macro.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
<Macro> - Beginning of a macro definition section.
Use - Use of a macro.
UndefMacro - Remove a macro definition.
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_mime.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Check Type
Module Directives:
AddCharset - a charset (e.g., iso-2022-jp), followed by one or more file extensions
AddEncoding - an encoding (e.g., gzip), followed by one or more file extensions
AddHandler - a handler name followed by one or more file extensions
AddInputFilter - input filter name (or ; delimited names) followed by one or more file extensions
AddLanguage - a language (e.g., fr), followed by one or more file extensions
AddOutputFilter - output filter name (or ; delimited names) followed by one or more file extensions
AddType - a mime type followed by one or more file extensions
DefaultLanguage - language to use for documents with no other language file extension
MultiviewsMatch - NegotiatedOnly (default), Handlers and/or Filters, or Any
RemoveCharset - one or more file extensions
RemoveEncoding - one or more file extensions
RemoveHandler - one or more file extensions
RemoveInputFilter - one or more file extensions
RemoveLanguage - one or more file extensions
RemoveOutputFilter - one or more file extensions
RemoveType - one or more file extensions
TypesConfig - the MIME types config file
ModMimeUsePathInfo - Set to 'yes' to allow mod_mime to use path info for type checking
Current Configuration:
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/common.conf
 159: TypesConfig conf/mime.types
 176: AddType application/x-compress .Z
 177: AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz
 222: AddHandler php5-script php
 223: AddType text/html php
 309: TypesConfig conf/mime.types
 340: AddCharset us-ascii.ascii .us-ascii
 341: AddCharset ISO-8859-1 .iso8859-1 .latin1
 342: AddCharset ISO-8859-2 .iso8859-2 .latin2 .cen
 343: AddCharset ISO-8859-3 .iso8859-3 .latin3
 366: AddHandler php5-script php
 368: AddType text/html php
 369: AddType application/x-httpd-php-source phps
 370: AddHandler php5-script php
 385: AddOutputFilter DEFLATE js css htm html xml
 394: AddOutputFilter DEFLATE js css htm html xml ttf eot svg otf
 399: AddOutputFilter DEFLATE js css htm html xml
In file: /ltk/ltk/site/config/httpd.conf
  70: <VirtualHost *:80>
 178:   AddCharset UTF-8 .html
    : </VirtualHost>

Module Name: mod_mime_magic.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Check Type
Module Directives:
MimeMagicFile - Path to MIME Magic file (in file(1) format)
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_negotiation.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Check Type, Fixups, Content Handlers
Module Directives:
CacheNegotiatedDocs - Either 'on' or 'off' (default)
LanguagePriority - space-delimited list of MIME language abbreviations
ForceLanguagePriority - Force LanguagePriority elections, either None, or Fallback and/or Prefer
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_optional_fn_export.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_optional_fn_import.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: Transaction Logging
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_optional_hook_export.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: Transaction Logging
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_optional_hook_import.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_php5.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Content Handlers
Module Directives:
php_value - PHP Value Modifier
php_flag - PHP Flag Modifier
php_admin_value - PHP Value Modifier (Admin)
php_admin_flag - PHP Flag Modifier (Admin)
PHPINIDir - Directory containing the php.ini file
Current Configuration:
In file: /ltk/ltk/site/config/httpd.conf
   2: <VirtualHost *:80>
  14:   php_value session.save_path /ltk/shared/ltk/sessions
    : </VirtualHost>

Module Name: mod_proxy.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Post-Read Request, Translate Name, Map to Storage, Fixups, Content Handlers
Module Directives:
<Proxy> - Container for directives affecting resources located in the proxied location
<ProxyMatch> - Container for directives affecting resources located in the proxied location, in regular expression syntax
ProxyRequests - on if the true proxy requests should be accepted
ProxyRemote - a scheme, partial URL or '*' and a proxy server
ProxyRemoteMatch - a regex pattern and a proxy server
ProxyPassInterpolateEnv - Interpolate Env Vars in reverse Proxy
ProxyPass - a virtual path and a URL
ProxyPassMatch - a virtual path and a URL
ProxyPassReverse - a virtual path and a URL for reverse proxy behaviour
ProxyPassReverseCookiePath - Path rewrite rule for proxying cookies
ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain - Domain rewrite rule for proxying cookies
ProxyBlock - A list of names, hosts or domains to which the proxy will not connect
ProxyReceiveBufferSize - Receive buffer size for outgoing HTTP and FTP connections in bytes
ProxyIOBufferSize - IO buffer size for outgoing HTTP and FTP connections in bytes
ProxyMaxForwards - The maximum number of proxies a request may be forwarded through.
NoProxy - A list of domains, hosts, or subnets to which the proxy will connect directly
ProxyDomain - The default intranet domain name (in absence of a domain in the URL)
ProxyVia - Configure Via: proxy header header to one of: on | off | block | full
ProxyErrorOverride - use our error handling pages instead of the servers' we are proxying
ProxyPreserveHost - on if we should preserve host header while proxying
ProxyTimeout - Set the timeout (in seconds) for a proxied connection. This overrides the server timeout
ProxyBadHeader - How to handle bad header line in response: IsError | Ignore | StartBody
BalancerMember - A balancer name and scheme with list of params
BalancerGrowth - Number of additional Balancers that can be added post-config
BalancerPersist - on if the balancer should persist changes on reboot/restart made via the Balancer Manager
BalancerInherit - on if this server should inherit Balancers and Workers defined in the main server (Setting to off recommended if using the Balancer Manager)
ProxyPassInherit - on if this server should inherit all ProxyPass directives defined in the main server (Setting to off recommended if using the Balancer Manager)
ProxyStatus - Configure Status: proxy status to one of: on | off | full
ProxySet - A balancer or worker name with list of params
ProxySourceAddress - Configure local source IP used for request forward
ProxyAddHeaders - on if X-Forwarded-* headers should be added or completed
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_proxy_ajp.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_proxy_balancer.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: Content Handlers
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_proxy_connect.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
AllowCONNECT - A list of ports or port ranges which CONNECT may connect to
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_proxy_express.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Translate Name
Module Directives:
ProxyExpressEnable - Enable the ProxyExpress functionality
ProxyExpressDBMFile - Location of ProxyExpressDBMFile file
ProxyExpressDBMType - Type of ProxyExpressDBMFile file
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_proxy_fcgi.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_proxy_fdpass.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_proxy_ftp.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
ProxyFtpListOnWildcard - Whether wildcard characters in a path cause mod_proxy_ftp to list the files instead of trying to get them. Defaults to on.
ProxyFtpEscapeWildcards - Whether the proxy should escape wildcards in paths before sending them to the FTP server. Defaults to on, but most FTP servers will need it turned off if you need to manage paths that contain wildcard characters.
ProxyFtpDirCharset - Define the character set for proxied FTP listings
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_proxy_html.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Insert Filters
Module Directives:
ProxyHTMLEvents - Strings to be treated as scripting events
ProxyHTMLLinks - Declare HTML Attributes
ProxyHTMLURLMap - Map URL From To
ProxyHTMLDoctype - (HTML|XHTML) [Legacy]
ProxyHTMLFixups - Options are lowercase, dospath
ProxyHTMLMeta - Fix META http-equiv elements
ProxyHTMLInterp - Support interpolation and conditions in URLMaps
ProxyHTMLExtended - Map URLs in Javascript and CSS
ProxyHTMLStripComments - Strip out comments
ProxyHTMLBufSize - Buffer size
ProxyHTMLCharsetOut - Usage: ProxyHTMLCharsetOut charset
ProxyHTMLEnable - Enable proxy-html and xml2enc filters
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_proxy_http.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_proxy_scgi.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
ProxySCGISendfile - The name of the X-Sendfile peudo response header or On or Off
ProxySCGIInternalRedirect - Off if internal redirect responses should not be accepted
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_proxy_wstunnel.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_ratelimit.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_reflector.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Content Handlers
Module Directives:
ReflectorHeader - Header to reflect back in the response, with an optional new name.
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_remoteip.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Post-Read Request
Module Directives:
RemoteIPHeader - Specifies a request header to trust as the client IP, e.g. X-Forwarded-For
RemoteIPProxiesHeader - Specifies a request header to record proxy IP's, e.g. X-Forwarded-By; if not given then do not record
RemoteIPTrustedProxy - Specifies one or more proxies which are trusted to present IP headers
RemoteIPInternalProxy - Specifies one or more internal (transparent) proxies which are trusted to present IP headers
RemoteIPTrustedProxyList - The filename to read the list of trusted proxies, see the RemoteIPTrustedProxy directive
RemoteIPInternalProxyList - The filename to read the list of internal proxies, see the RemoteIPInternalProxy directive
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_reqtimeout.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Process Connection, Post-Read Request, Transaction Logging
Module Directives:
RequestReadTimeout - Set various timeout parameters for reading request headers and body
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_request.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Insert Filters
Module Directives:
KeptBodySize - Maximum size of request bodies kept aside for use by filters
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_rewrite.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Translate Name, Fixups, Content Handlers
Module Directives:
RewriteEngine - On or Off to enable or disable (default) the whole rewriting engine
RewriteOptions - List of option strings to set
RewriteBase - the base URL of the per-directory context
RewriteCond - an input string and a to be applied regexp-pattern
RewriteRule - an URL-applied regexp-pattern and a substitution URL
RewriteMap - a mapname and a filename
Current Configuration:
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
  28: RewriteEngine On
  29: RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
  30: RewriteRule .* - [F]
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/common.conf
 374: ReWriteRule ^/google605122fe2c4da6cf.html$ - [L,NS]
 376: ReWriteRule ^/google5a5a90d791c4f90e.html$ - [L,NS]
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/deny.conf
   2: RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
   3: RewriteRule .* - [F]
 125: RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 126: RewriteRule .* - [F]
 128: RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 129: RewriteRule .* - [F]
 131: RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 132: RewriteRule .* - [F]
In file: /ltk/ltk/site/config/httpd.conf
   2: <VirtualHost *:80>
  19:   RewriteEngine On
  24:   RewriteRule ^/frontend[^/]*\.php - [F]
  29:   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/(sf|(ltk)?sf[^/]+Plugin)/|\.php [OR]
  30:   RewriteCond /ltk/ltk/site/web%{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
  31:   RewriteRule .* - [L]
  53:   RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /backend.php [QSA,L,PT]
    : </VirtualHost>
  61: <VirtualHost *:80>
  64:   RewriteEngine On
  65:   RewriteRule ^/?$ https://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/ [R=301,L]
  66:   RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.%{HTTP_HOST}$1 [R=301,L]
    : </VirtualHost>
  70: <VirtualHost *:80>
  86:   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www
  87:   RewriteRule "^\/(about-lovetoknow|affiliate-relationships|Careers\/careers|cookie-policy|disclaimers|Editorial-Policy|lovetoknow-privacy-policy|comments\/password-reset|comments\/register-thanks|comments\/unsubscribe-success|wiki-help)(\.html|\.htm)$" "https://www.lovetoknow.com/$1$2" [R,L]
  88:   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^es
  89:   RewriteRule "^\/(acerca|ayuda|oportunidades|politica-cookies|politica-editorial|privacidad|relaciones-afiliacion|terminos)\.html$" "https://es.lovetoknow.com/$1.html" [R,L]
  90:   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^horoscopes
  91:   RewriteRule LoveToKnow_Horoscopes:(Daily_Prediction_|Daily_Tarot_Card|find_signs|Weekend_Love_Forecast) /Main_Page [R=301,L]
  94:   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^es
  95:   RewriteRule "^(\/|\/editorial-policy)$" "https://www.lovetoknow.com$1" [R=301,L]
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 316:   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^addiction\.
 317:   RewriteRule ^/((wiki/)?Main_Page)?$ https://www.lovetoknowhealth.com/well-being/addiction-and-recovery [R=301,L]
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 320:   RewriteRule ^/((wiki/)?Main_Page)?$ https://www.lovetoknowhealth.com/diet-and-nutrition [R=301,L]
 322:   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^exercise\.
 323:   RewriteRule ^/((wiki/)?Main_Page)?$ https://www.lovetoknowhealth.com/fitness [R=301,L]
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 326:   RewriteRule ^/((wiki/)?Main_Page)?$ https://www.lovetoknowhealth.com/diet-and-nutrition/gluten-free [R=301,L]
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 329:   RewriteRule ^/((wiki/)?Main_Page)?$ https://www.lovetoknowhealth.com/diet-and-nutrition/natural-health-remedies [R=301,L]
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 335:   RewriteRule ^/((wiki/)?Main_Page)?$ https://www.lovetoknowhealth.com/well-being/staying-safe [R=301,L]
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 342:   RewriteRule ^/((wiki/)?Main_Page)?$ https://www.lovetoknowhealth.com/skin-and-body [R=301,L]
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 345:   RewriteRule ^/((wiki/)?Main_Page)?$ https://www.lovetoknowhealth.com/well-being/sleep [R=301,L]
 347:   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^stress\.
 348:   RewriteRule ^/((wiki/)?Main_Page)?$ https://www.lovetoknowhealth.com/well-being/stress-management [R=301,L]
 354:   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^vegetarian.
 355:   RewriteRule ^/((wiki/)?Main_Page)?$ https://www.lovetoknowhealth.com/diet-and-nutrition/vegetarian-and-vegan [R=301,L]
 357:   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^vitamins\.
 358:   RewriteRule ^/((wiki/)?Main_Page)?$ https://www.lovetoknowhealth.com/diet-and-nutrition/supplements [R=301,L]
 360:   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^yoga\.
 361:   RewriteRule ^/((wiki/)?Main_Page)?$ https://www.lovetoknowhealth.com/fitness/yoga [R=301,L]
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 365:   RewriteRule ^/((wiki/)?Main_Page)?$ https://www.lovetoknowpets.com/small-mammals [R=301,L]
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 368:   RewriteRule ^/((wiki/)?Main_Page)?$ https://www.lovetoknowpets.com/small-mammals [R=301,L]
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 371:   RewriteRule ^/((wiki/)?Main_Page)?$ https://www.lovetoknowpets.com/dogs [R=301,L]
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 374:   RewriteRule ^/((wiki/)?Main_Page)?$ https://www.lovetoknowpets.com/cats [R=301,L]
 376:   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^horses\.
 377:   RewriteRule ^/((wiki/)?Main_Page)?$ https://www.lovetoknowpets.com/horses [R=301,L]
 379:   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} pets.html
 380:   RewriteRule (.*) https://www.lovetoknowpets.com/ [R=301,NC,L]
 386:   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^es\.
 387:   RewriteRule ^ayuda.html$ https://es.lovetoknow.com [R=301,L]
 390:   RewriteRule ^ayuda.html$ https://es.lovetoknow.com [R=301,L]
 393:   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} lovetoknowhealth.com
 394:   RewriteRule ^help$ https://www.lovetoknowhealth.com/
 397:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 398:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 401:   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} wvstest=
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 405:   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} wiki-help
 406:   RewriteRule https://www.lovetoknow.com [R=301,NC,L]
 408:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 409:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 411:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 412:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 414:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 415:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 417:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 418:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 420:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 421:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 423:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^138.197.172.
 424:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 427:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 428:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 431:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 432:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
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 436:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 439:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^2a02:4780:1:13::5
 440:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 443:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 444:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 447:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^2a01:4f9:c010:864f::1
 448:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 451:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 452:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 455:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 456:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 459:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 460:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 463:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 464:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 467:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 468:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 471:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 472:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 475:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 476:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 479:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 480:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 483:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 484:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 487:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 488:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 491:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 492:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 495:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 496:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 499:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 500:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 503:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 504:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 507:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 508:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 511:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 512:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 515:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 516:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 519:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 520:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 523:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 524:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 527:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 528:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 531:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 532:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 535:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 536:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 539:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 540:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 543:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^23.128.248.
 544:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 547:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^199.249.230.
 548:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 551:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 552:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 555:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 556:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 559:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 560:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 563:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 564:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 567:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 568:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 571:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 572:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 575:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 576:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 579:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 580:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 583:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 584:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 587:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 588:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 591:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 592:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 595:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 596:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 599:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 600:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 603:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^104.244.79
 604:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 607:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 608:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 611:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 612:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 615:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 616:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 619:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 620:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 623:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 624:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 627:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 628:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 631:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 632:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 635:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 636:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 639:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 640:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 643:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 644:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 647:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 648:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 651:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 652:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 655:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 656:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 659:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 660:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 663:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^64.124.8.
 664:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 667:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 668:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 671:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 672:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 675:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 676:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 679:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 680:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 683:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 684:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 687:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 688:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 691:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 692:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 695:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 696:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 699:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 700:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 703:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 704:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 707:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 708:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 711:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 712:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 715:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 716:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 719:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 720:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 723:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 724:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 727:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 728:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 731:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 732:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 735:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 736:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 739:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^45.131.193.
 740:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 743:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 744:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 747:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 748:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 751:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 752:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 755:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 756:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 759:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^2a01:4f9:1a:958b::2
 760:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 763:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 764:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 767:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^2001:41d0:801:1000::1905
 768:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 771:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 772:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 775:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 776:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 779:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 780:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 783:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 784:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 787:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 788:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 791:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 792:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 795:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 796:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
 799:   RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-FOR} ^
 800:   RewriteRule .* - [F]
In file: /ltk/ltk/site/config/httpd.conf
 145:   RewriteRule ^/LTK$ - [R=202]
 148:   RewriteRule ^/backend[^/]*\.php - [F]
 161:   RewriteRule ^/www/ - [F]
 163:   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.
 164:   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !no-cache
 165:   RewriteCond /ltk/ltk-www%{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
 166:   RewriteRule ^/(.+)$ /www/$1 [L,NS,PT]
 168:   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.
 169:   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !no-cache
 170:   RewriteCond /ltk/ltk-www%{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.html -f
 171:   RewriteRule ^/(.+)$ /www/$1/index.html [L,NS,PT]
 181:   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/(sf|(ltk)?sf[^/]+Plugin)/|\.php [OR]
 182:   RewriteCond /ltk/ltk/site/web%{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
 183:   RewriteRule .* - [L]
 200:   RewriteRule ^/cache/ - [F]
 203:   RewriteRule ^/(member|advice|search|experts|autor|api)(/|$) - [S=6]
 205:   RewriteRule ^/$ /index.php [S=2,QSA]
 206:   RewriteRule ^(/(?:wiki/)?)(([^./])([^./])?([^./])?.*)$ $1$3/$3$4/$3$4$5/$2.php [QSA]
 207:   RewriteRule ^(.*)/\.php $1/index.php [QSA]
 210:   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} show-cache [OR]
 211:   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !no-cache
 212:   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !gen-cache
 213:   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^([^.]+)\..*?([^.]+\.[^.]+)$
 214:   RewriteCond /ltk/shared/ltk/static-cache/read/%2/%1%{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
 215:   RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /cache/%2/%1$1 [L,NS,PT]
 218:   RewriteRule ^(.*)\.php $1.html [QSA]
 220:   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} show-cache [OR]
 221:   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !no-cache
 222:   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !gen-cache
 223:   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} GET|HEAD
 224:   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^([^.]+)\..*?([^.]+\.[^.]+)$
 225:   RewriteCond /ltk/shared/ltk/static-cache/read/%2/%1%{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
 226:   RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /cache/%2/%1$1 [L,NS,PT]
 230:   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} show-cache [OR]
 231:   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !no-cache
 232:   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !gen-cache
 233:   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} GET|HEAD
 234:   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^es\.
 235:   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} ^\/[a-z]{1}\/[a-z]{2}\/[a-z]{3}\/([^\/]+)\/([a-z-])([a-z-])([a-z-])(.*)$
 236:   RewriteCond /ltk/shared/ltk/static-cache/read/%1/%2/%2%3/%2%3%4/%2%3%4%5 -f
 237:   RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /cache/%1/%2/%2%3/%2%3%4/%2%3%4%5 [L,NS,PT]
 240:   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} show-cache [OR]
 241:   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !no-cache
 242:   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !gen-cache
 243:   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} GET|HEAD
 245:   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^es\.
 246:   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} ^\/[a-z]{1}\/[a-z]{2}\/[a-z]{3}\/([^\.]+)\.html$
 247:   RewriteCond /ltk/shared/ltk/static-cache/read/%1/index.html -f
 248:   RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /cache/%1/index.html [L,NS,PT]
 251:   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} show-cache
 252:   RewriteRule . - [R=404,L]
 268:   RewriteRule . /frontend.php [QSA,L,PT]
    : </VirtualHost>

Module Name: mod_sed.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
OutputSed - Sed regular expression for Response
InputSed - Sed regular expression for Request
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_session.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Fixups, Insert Filters, Insert Errors
Module Directives:
Session - on if a session should be maintained for these URLs
SessionMaxAge - length of time for which a session should be valid. Zero to disable
SessionHeader - output header, if present, whose contents will be injected into the session.
SessionEnv - on if a session should be written to the CGI environment. Defaults to off
SessionInclude - URL prefixes to include in the session. Defaults to all URLs
SessionExclude - URL prefixes to exclude from the session. Defaults to no URLs
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_session_cookie.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
SessionCookieName - The name of the RFC2109 cookie carrying the session
SessionCookieName2 - The name of the RFC2965 cookie carrying the session
SessionCookieRemove - Set to 'On' to remove the session cookie from the headers and hide the cookie from a backend server or process
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_session_crypto.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
SessionCryptoPassphrase - The passphrase(s) used to encrypt the session. First will be used for encryption, all phrases will be accepted for decryption
SessionCryptoPassphraseFile - File containing passphrase(s) used to encrypt the session, one per line. First will be used for encryption, all phrases will be accepted for decryption
SessionCryptoCipher - The underlying crypto cipher to use
SessionCryptoDriver - The underlying crypto library driver to use
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_session_dbd.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
SessionDBDSelectLabel - Query label used to select a new session
SessionDBDInsertLabel - Query label used to insert a new session
SessionDBDUpdateLabel - Query label used to update an existing session
SessionDBDDeleteLabel - Query label used to delete an existing session
SessionDBDPerUser - Save the session per user
SessionDBDCookieRemove - Remove the session cookie after session load. On by default.
SessionDBDCookieName - The name of the RFC2109 cookie carrying the session key
SessionDBDCookieName2 - The name of the RFC2965 cookie carrying the session key
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_setenvif.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Post-Read Request, Header Parse
Module Directives:
SetEnvIf - A header-name, regex and a list of variables.
SetEnvIfNoCase - a header-name, regex and a list of variables.
SetEnvIfExpr - an expression and a list of variables.
BrowserMatch - A browser regex and a list of variables.
BrowserMatchNoCase - A browser regex and a list of variables.
Current Configuration:
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/common.conf
  79: SetEnvIf Request_URI "^/LTK$" logstats
 350: BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
 352: BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip
 354: BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html
In file: /ltk/ltk/site/config/httpd.conf
  70: <VirtualHost *:80>
 108:   SetEnvIfNoCase Origin ".*\.lovetoknow[^.]*\.com$" AccessControlAllowOrigin=$0
    : </VirtualHost>

Module Name: mod_slotmem_plain.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_slotmem_shm.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_so.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
LoadModule - a module name and the name of a shared object file to load it from
LoadFile - shared object file or library to load into the server at runtime
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_socache_dbm.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_socache_memcache.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_socache_shmcb.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_speling.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Create Server Config
Request Phase Participation: Fixups
Module Directives:
CheckSpelling - whether or not to fix miscapitalized/misspelled requests
CheckCaseOnly - whether or not to fix only miscapitalized requests
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_status.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: Content Handlers
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_substitute.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
Substitute - Pattern to filter the response content (s/foo/bar/[inf])
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_suexec.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Create Server Config
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
SuexecUserGroup - User and group for spawned processes
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_unique_id.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: Post-Read Request, Generate Log ID
Module Directives: none

Module Name: mod_unixd.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
User - Effective user id for this server
Group - Effective group id for this server
ChrootDir - The directory to chroot(2) into
Suexec - Enable or disable suEXEC support
Current Configuration:
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/common.conf
  11: User ltk
  12: Group ltk

Module Name: mod_userdir.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Translate Name
Module Directives:
UserDir - the public subdirectory in users' home directories, or 'disabled', or 'disabled username username...', or 'enabled username username...'
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_usertrack.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Create Server Config
Request Phase Participation: Fixups
Module Directives:
CookieExpires - an expiry date code
CookieDomain - domain to which this cookie applies
CookieStyle - 'Netscape', 'Cookie' (RFC2109), or 'Cookie2' (RFC2965)
CookieTracking - whether or not to enable cookies
CookieName - name of the tracking cookie
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_version.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
<IfVersion> - a comparison operator, a version (and a delimiter)
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_vhost_alias.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Translate Name
Module Directives:
VirtualScriptAlias - how to create a ScriptAlias based on the host
VirtualDocumentRoot - how to create the DocumentRoot based on the host
VirtualScriptAliasIP - how to create a ScriptAlias based on the host
VirtualDocumentRootIP - how to create the DocumentRoot based on the host
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_watchdog.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
WatchdogInterval - Watchdog interval in seconds
Current Configuration:

Module Name: mod_xml2enc.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
xml2EncDefault - Usage: xml2EncDefault charset
xml2EncAlias - EncodingAlias charset alias [more aliases]
xml2StartParse - Ignore anything in front of the first of these elements
Current Configuration:

Module Name: prefork.c
Content handlers: none
Configuration Phase Participation: none
Request Phase Participation: none
Module Directives:
ListenBacklog - Maximum length of the queue of pending connections, as used by listen(2)
Listen - A port number or a numeric IP address and a port number, and an optional protocol
SendBufferSize - Send buffer size in bytes
ReceiveBufferSize - Receive buffer size in bytes
StartServers - Number of child processes launched at server startup
MinSpareServers - Minimum number of idle children, to handle request spikes
MaxSpareServers - Maximum number of idle children
MaxClients - Deprecated name of MaxRequestWorkers
MaxRequestWorkers - Maximum number of children alive at the same time
ServerLimit - Maximum value of MaxRequestWorkers for this run of Apache
GracefulShutdownTimeout - Maximum time in seconds to wait for child processes to complete transactions during shutdown
Current Configuration:
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/common.conf
   4: Listen 80
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/server.conf
  12: ServerLimit 600
  13: StartServers 20
  14: MinSpareServers 5
  15: MaxSpareServers 30
  16: MaxClients 590

Module Name: util_ldap.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Content Handlers
Module Directives:
LDAPSharedCacheSize - Set the size of the shared memory cache (in bytes). Use 0 to disable the shared memory cache. (default: 500000)
LDAPSharedCacheFile - Set the file name for the shared memory cache.
LDAPCacheEntries - Set the maximum number of entries that are possible in the LDAP search cache. Use 0 or -1 to disable the search cache (default: 1024)
LDAPCacheTTL - Set the maximum time (in seconds) that an item can be cached in the LDAP search cache. Use 0 for no limit. (default 600)
LDAPOpCacheEntries - Set the maximum number of entries that are possible in the LDAP compare cache. Use 0 or -1 to disable the compare cache (default: 1024)
LDAPOpCacheTTL - Set the maximum time (in seconds) that an item is cached in the LDAP operation cache. Use 0 for no limit. (default: 600)
LDAPTrustedGlobalCert - Takes three arguments; the first argument is the cert type of the second argument, one of CA_DER, CA_BASE64, CA_CERT7_DB, CA_SECMOD, CERT_DER, CERT_BASE64, CERT_KEY3_DB, CERT_NICKNAME, KEY_DER, or KEY_BASE64. The second argument specifes the file and/or directory containing the trusted CA certificates (and global client certs for Netware) used to validate the LDAP server. The third argument is an optional passphrase if applicable.
LDAPTrustedClientCert - Takes three arguments: the first argument is the certificate type of the second argument, one of CA_DER, CA_BASE64, CA_CERT7_DB, CA_SECMOD, CERT_DER, CERT_BASE64, CERT_KEY3_DB, CERT_NICKNAME, KEY_DER, or KEY_BASE64. The second argument specifies the file and/or directory containing the client certificate, or certificate ID used to validate this LDAP client. The third argument is an optional passphrase if applicable.
LDAPTrustedMode - Specify the type of security that should be applied to an LDAP connection. One of; NONE, SSL or STARTTLS.
LDAPVerifyServerCert - Set to 'ON' requires that the server certificate be verified before a secure LDAP connection can be establish. Default 'ON'
LDAPConnectionTimeout - Specify the LDAP socket connection timeout in seconds (default: 10)
LDAPReferrals - Choose whether referrals are chased ['ON'|'OFF'|'DEFAULT']. Default 'ON'
LDAPReferralHopLimit - Limit the number of referral hops that LDAP can follow. (Integer value, Consult LDAP SDK documentation for applicability and defaults
LDAPLibraryDebug - Enable debugging in LDAP SDK (Default: off, values: SDK specific
LDAPTimeout - Specify the LDAP bind/search timeout in seconds (0 = no limit). Default: 60
LDAPConnectionPoolTTL - Specify the maximum amount of time a bound connection can sit idle and still be considered valid for reuse(0 = no pool, -1 = no limit, n = time in seconds). Default: -1
LDAPRetries - Specify the number of times a failed LDAP operation should be retried (0 = no retries). Default: 3
LDAPRetryDelay - Specify the delay between retries of a failed LDAP operation (0 = no delay). Default: 0
Current Configuration: